Okan Morgans



The Lippitt Morgan Story

Okan Storm King (Meredith Bilirubin x Good News Priscilla)

Our Introduction to the Lippitt Morgan was through the great stallion Meredith Bilirubin (Stillwater Indigo X Major's Nubbin).  'Bili' came to live with us as a 14 year old and he lived with us until his passing at age 30.  We strive to maintain his blood in our herd through  his sons & daughters and will always try and carry his bloodlines in our herd.



Equestrian Institute CDE

Rainbow Meadow Farm 

Rochester, Washington.

Don & Mary Curtis - Okan Morgans

PO Box 54, 99 Ironwood Street

Oroville  WA  98844

email: okanmorg@nvinet.com

Home phone: 509-476-2004 leave message 

Mary's cell 509-560-0252

Equestrian Institute Driving Trial

Rainbow Meadow Farm 

Rochester, Washington.

We are a 80 acre ranch, we grow most of our own hay, we have apple, pear, stone fruit, almonds, grapes, raspberries, etc. mostly in quantities that are too much for us to eat but not enough to go commercial.  We are bordered on the south by the Similkameen River, which in the spring can be a problem with flooding but we have have been blessed as well.  We have a barn with 7 stalls and 4 large pastures.  The horses have lots of room to "BE HORSES" interact as herd animals with lots of room to run.  Hope you enjoyed the photo's.

 2024 News

& Happenings

The Lippitt is a unique horse: handsome, typey, and versatile. It is a member of a strain of Morgans that has no 20th century outcrosses to other breeds, resulting in the highest percentage of the original Morgan blood available today.

The term "high percentage" refers to the concentration of blood achieved by linebreeding to the original Justin Morgan ("Figure"). A careful study of Lippitt pedigrees illustrates the intensity of this breeding technique as practiced by the early Morgan breeders, and because the Lippitt has been linebred for generations, its unique Morgan qualities have been reinforced.

For years the Lippitt has demonstrated the ability to thrive on simple living conditions, working hard and requiring a minimum of pampering. The early Vermonters valued their "big little horse," for the Morgan accomplished whatever was asked of him: clearing land, driving, performing in parades, or racing down a country road. The Lippitt, who learns quickly and loves to try new things, is truly like his early ancestors.

The ideal Lippitt Morgan ranges in height from 14.1 to 15.1 hands. He has a short head, great width between the eyes, and a well-crested neck of medium length, which comes out of the top of a long, well-laid-back shoulder and blends smoothly through the withers into a well-sprung, deep body. The back is short and smoothly joined to the hindquarters; the croup is long, wide, and slightly sloping, balancing the front quarters. The legs have long forearms, thighs, and gaskins, and short cannons, with medium length pasterns corresponding to shoulder angle. A compact horse with substance of bone combined with refinement, spirited yet controllable energy influences his powerful, rapid, and elastic gaits.  For more information please check: http://www.lippittclub.net              OR  http://www.lippittmorganbreedersassociation.com/



ETS Competitive Trail Competition

​Creston WA

Views around the ranch...

Sept 6-7

Breeding Morgans of Lippitt Bloodlines since 1984.

ETS Competitive Trail Competition

​Creston WA

June 15-16

Equestrian Institute Driving Trial

Rainbow Meadow Farm 

Rochester, Washington.

Meredith Bilirubin (Stillwater Indigo x Major's Nubbin)



Everything but the Kitchen Sink

Rainbow Meadow Farm

Rochester, WA​

Please come and watch us compete , join in the fun or just come visit us at these Events:

Equestrians Institute Events


Equine Trail Sport Competitive Trail Competition and Obstaclehttps://www.equinetrailsports.com

Here is a short tour around our Ranch:  https://youtu.be/aY9C2_IRkuE

​​Okan Morgans

Don & Mary Curtis

99 Ironwood Street, Oroville  WA  98844

Phone:  509-476-2004 home or 509-560-0252 cell

​email:  okanmorg@nvinet.com